Check out these recommendations on the Alexander Technique and related subjects …
Learn about the Alexander Technique:
Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT)
The Alexander Technique and sport:
The Art of Running
The Art of Swimming
Find out more about F M Alexander:
Wikipedia/FM Alexander
Recommended Alexander Technique teachers:
Amanda Shearman/Glasgow
Alexander Technique training schools:
The Bristol Alexander School (BATTSA)
Running Links:
The Town and Country Harriers
Bristol based group of runners who share a love of off-road running…
‘We cannot guarantee we will finish the run with clean shoes but we are convinced that running off-road is kinder to our joints than pounding pavements. There is something exhilarating about running off-road under a starlit sky or splashing through the mud whilst being threatened by a thunderstorm. A run across grass lit by the evening sun or through the dappled shade of a woodland path, rain or shine, summer or winter, makes us feel that we truly deserve a pint and a chat in the pub before heading home.’